Principal's Message
Principal’s Welcome
On behalf of the entire faculty and staff of James N. Thorp School, I welcome you to our wonderful community of learners. Our school has approximately 315 awesome pre-kindergarten through 8th grade students who engage in a rich core curriculum. We are highly committed to working with our families to foster the social, emotional, physical, cognitive and academic growth of all students that attend Thorp School. Further, we encourage our students
to embrace a growth mindset as they learn to take risks and accept challenges to reach their highest potential. Each day at Thorp School, we encourage our students, staff, parents, and community to “ROAR” their way to success. When you are “ROAR”ing you are Respectful, Optimistic, Achieving, and Responsible. As James N. Thorp students ROAR, they develop a deep love of learning so they grow to become active members of their communities.
to embrace a growth mindset as they learn to take risks and accept challenges to reach their highest potential. Each day at Thorp School, we encourage our students, staff, parents, and community to “ROAR” their way to success. When you are “ROAR”ing you are Respectful, Optimistic, Achieving, and Responsible. As James N. Thorp students ROAR, they develop a deep love of learning so they grow to become active members of their communities.
As in any educational setting, communication is a key component to a positive learning experience. Parents can expect to receive information from school on a weekly basis. You will receive a monthly ROAR Newsletter directly from the principal’s office. The newsletter will keep you informed and provide general information about what is happening in the school. Further, teachers update families on a regular basis about what is happening in their classrooms. Additional communication vehicles include email and/or phone bulletins, Family School Nights, Goal Setting “Make and Take Days”, LSC Meetings, BAC Meetings, PAC meetings, conferences, student reports, and phone calls. Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher(s) or myself should you have any questions.
In Partnership,
In Partnership,
Sharrone Travis, NBCT
Principal, James N. Thorp School
Principal, James N. Thorp School